Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Being new at cloth diapering and shopping for cloth diapers is stressful!

As I stated in my last post, I was going to talk about lavender and helping me when I had an anxiety attack while shopping for cloth diapers.

I need to say I am still a beginner at cloth diapering! I have only tried two different types of cloth diapers. All in one or also known as pocket diapers....was not fond of them. All in two which I liked better. I am tempted to try the pre-folds with the snappies (don't know if I got the name right, it is a plastic "T" shaped device that helps keep the diaper on the baby) that but have not got to that yet.

Getting back to what happened to cause my panic attack. My hubby and I was in Toys R Us shopping for more cloth diapers. After I had a moment of  I wanted to quit cloth diapering. Due to I felt like I was doing everything completely wrong! Standing in the isle staring at the shelve that had the choices(limited choices) my husband suggested in getting some more pocket diapers. I ended up giving him the look of please don't make me go through that torture any more! The stuffing of the pocket diaper the  thought of having to take the insert out of the diaper after my baby has pooped in it , washing, drying and doing the whole process all over again....was a no go! The other system was a all in 2...the price for two of those was $ get six inserts for the diapers was the same price! I couldn't believe it! I know cloth diapering can be very frugal but starting out is expensive! I panicked.

We (My wonderful husband and I) reached to the cashier to check out and I told my husband I had to leave the store. I ended up running out of Toys R Us and I remembered when i was learning about lavender that breathing deeply the lavender can help children when they are having anxiety problems...well...I am acting like a child not being able to control my it doesn't hurt to try... right? I quickly grabbed the lavender essential oils and slowly started taking deep breaths of the lavender straight from the bottle. Strangely, it was helping! I am not sure if it was truly just the lavender or just the basic act of taking slow deep breaths that helped as well as getting away from the area that was stressing me out. In the long run I believe lavender did help in the situation, any time I feel anxious since then I would apply some lavender and it would lower the stress almost right away!

 The following is a link by a gal named Hannah Anderson that pretty much sums of how stressful trying to figure the best cloth diaper can be. Thank you Hannah!

If you are interested in buying essential oils please click on the link below. Also I am not a professional I am just posting about my personal experiences with essential oils. I suggest you should discuss with your Doctor if you are on any medications that some essential oils can interrupt with the medications you are already taking.

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