Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sugar beet beet beet beet beet beet beet *gasp for air* beet beet sugar beet beet beet beeet beet

Yesterday, my brother came home with a sugar beet that he found on his walk. It brought back memories of watching sesame street with the one about sugar beets.
We learned about how sugar beets are harvested to make sugar. I think I am going to make a note to self to see if I can schedule a field trip to the sugar beet factory. That would truly be an event for a 2 and 6 year old! I will update if that does happen.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My favorites beyond the premium kit.

So you bought the premium essential oil what? Well for myself, I started to go to pinterest and learn as much as I could about the young living essential oils. I learned how to make the sent of root beer for the diffuser.

My Premium kit came with DiGize and Sacred Frankincense due to shortages in  supply of frankincense and purification.

 We use  DiGize every day! For us, it helps with digestion issues. check out my  post on DiGize.

We have just added Eucalyptus radiata to our list of essential oils as for the winter months are approaching and it helps my family when they have a stuffed nose.

Grapefruit has found its way into our collection and the more I  learn about it, it also helps with digestive problems. My friend suggested this one for my husband to help him with his acid reflux issues. I will keep you posted on how it goes.

As for anything else I have been wanting to get progessence plus for just having a baby two months ago, I have heard that it does wonders to balance hormones.

I do plan on keeping this post open to add onto my adventures in essential oils.

Are you interested in saving money on essential oils? Click the link below

*all statements that are posted in this blog are based off of personal experiences, what I say works for my family. I am not a doctor and the statements have not been viewed by the food and drug administration. If you are interested in using essential oils and are on medication please consult your doctor before trying any essential oils due to they can interact with prescription medication. I repeat I am not a professional I am just a independent distributor. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Being new at cloth diapering and shopping for cloth diapers is stressful!

As I stated in my last post, I was going to talk about lavender and helping me when I had an anxiety attack while shopping for cloth diapers.

I need to say I am still a beginner at cloth diapering! I have only tried two different types of cloth diapers. All in one or also known as pocket diapers....was not fond of them. All in two which I liked better. I am tempted to try the pre-folds with the snappies (don't know if I got the name right, it is a plastic "T" shaped device that helps keep the diaper on the baby) that but have not got to that yet.

Getting back to what happened to cause my panic attack. My hubby and I was in Toys R Us shopping for more cloth diapers. After I had a moment of  I wanted to quit cloth diapering. Due to I felt like I was doing everything completely wrong! Standing in the isle staring at the shelve that had the choices(limited choices) my husband suggested in getting some more pocket diapers. I ended up giving him the look of please don't make me go through that torture any more! The stuffing of the pocket diaper the  thought of having to take the insert out of the diaper after my baby has pooped in it , washing, drying and doing the whole process all over again....was a no go! The other system was a all in 2...the price for two of those was $ get six inserts for the diapers was the same price! I couldn't believe it! I know cloth diapering can be very frugal but starting out is expensive! I panicked.

We (My wonderful husband and I) reached to the cashier to check out and I told my husband I had to leave the store. I ended up running out of Toys R Us and I remembered when i was learning about lavender that breathing deeply the lavender can help children when they are having anxiety problems...well...I am acting like a child not being able to control my it doesn't hurt to try... right? I quickly grabbed the lavender essential oils and slowly started taking deep breaths of the lavender straight from the bottle. Strangely, it was helping! I am not sure if it was truly just the lavender or just the basic act of taking slow deep breaths that helped as well as getting away from the area that was stressing me out. In the long run I believe lavender did help in the situation, any time I feel anxious since then I would apply some lavender and it would lower the stress almost right away!

 The following is a link by a gal named Hannah Anderson that pretty much sums of how stressful trying to figure the best cloth diaper can be. Thank you Hannah!

If you are interested in buying essential oils please click on the link below. Also I am not a professional I am just posting about my personal experiences with essential oils. I suggest you should discuss with your Doctor if you are on any medications that some essential oils can interrupt with the medications you are already taking.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I miss my Lavender!!! (ways to use lavender)

Earlier this week we ran out of lavender... It just happened to have to happen when I needed the lavender when my hubby hurt his ankle when he miss stepped and placed his foot in-between the back door and the steps. I quickly ran to my premium essential oil kit and grabbed the lavender oil(lavender oil has natural antiseptic properties in it) held the bottle to apply a drop on my husbands ankle and nothing happened. I ended up taking the dropper of my essence oil bottle  to let the last drop of the bottle go onto my husbands wounded ankle.

Since then I have been wanting to use lavender to support my kids to bed better with less arguing, to help calm them down when they are too hyper, to use as deodorant. Yes, you can use Lavender as Deodorant! When I first started researching into essential oils I learned lavender is like the swiss army knife of essential oils! It can help with a lot of aliments.

I was just reminded  of the time I had a panic attack while shopping for cloth diapers.(I will leave that for another post) Lavender helped calm me down so well. I will truly not leave the house without it.

Doesn't that make you miss your lavender as well?

If you are interested in more information about essential oils feel free to message me at the bottom of this post or if you are interested in buying essential oils please click the link below.

Update: Yesterday, my DD woke up with a upset stomach. She instantly was asking for lavender. Apparently lavender is her favorite oil as well! It made me think of changing the name of the blog to "Honey? Where is the lavender?" 

Nah, not changing the name at all. My DD decided to use a whole bottle of banana scented shampoo in her bath! 


october 15

October 15th has a holiday that most  including myself would wish it wouldn't have existed. now before you jump on me and complain about how many wonderful holidays that are represented on October 15th,
to name them off from Wikipedia. I am more honing down on the pregnancy and infant loss remembrance day... it is not a popular holiday and it is not too well known. for those that truly know it at times wish they haven't due to no parent should have to go through the pain of their baby dying in utero or even earth side!

When I was 16, I experienced a pregnancy loss before I even knew I was pregnant. I noticed I was not having my period for 3 months. One day, I started to have extreme cramps, in short terms I ended up having a baby 12 weeks into development that was already passed away before I even knew I was pregnant. I am still touchy on this subject due to still healing.

a quote from Elizabeth Dent
Remember you are not alone!

oooh...Essential oils!

I was introduced to Essential oils when I was pregnant with my youngest. Before that I kept seeing post about essential oils and revamping your medicine cupboard being shared throughout the Facebook community. I even talked to my husband about the essential oils and he was a skeptic as well. Until we ate some Chinese food that didn't settle too well with his stomach and he was getting queasy from it.(we still enjoy Chinese food) My husband asked my friend if she had any antacids, she replied that she didn't have any but she did have something to help with his acid reflux and pulled out a bottle of DiGize.

 (I am truly thankful for Google image search or this blog would be truly boring)

Anyhow going back to the DiGize, my friend proceeded to tell my husband to rub it on his belly clockwise to help him with his upset stomach. At the time my husband was willing to do anything to get relief so he followed her instructions and it helped! The feelings of being queasy started to subside and he was amazed. Since then he has been using DiGize daily in the morning so he can enjoy coffee again!

Since we was able to enjoy coffee we were sold and became independent distributors of young living essential oils. I also would like to state that if you are on medications I would consult with your doctor before trying any homeopathic remedies such as DiGize. If you would like to buy or learn more information of essential oils  feel free to click the link below.

Buying Essential oils

Here are detailed instructions on how to order Young Living Products. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below and I will respond in a timely manner.
Go to,​ and choose "member sign-up" in the top right hand corner.​

​After choosing your country and your language, you must make a choice between Retail Customer and Wholesale Member.

If you choose Retail Customer (full price for the products and no opportunity for commissions or reward points), please scroll down to where it says Retail Customer below for more instructions.


Choose Wholesale Member.  I would suggest this way
Because  you will get 24% off the retail price of the products!  There is no annual fee, and as long as you order 50 PV in a 12 month period, your membership remains active.  (PV is equal to the dollar amount on all but a half a dozen products or so.)  Having to order only 50PV a year is a really good deal compared to other brands of essential oils that want you to buy at least 50PV a month to stay active.

**There is no obligation for monthly ordering or auto ship for either of these accounts, unless you want commissions and reward points, and this can be added on at a later time if you wish.

Wholesale Member

If you choose Wholesale Member, fill in 2049367 as both the Sponsor ID and the Enroller ID.

Fill in the requested information under Step 1 - Personal information. You need to enter your SSN because you are eligible for commissions, and Young Living must report this information under your SSN.  This is a secure website and Young Living will handle your private information with care.

Under "Step 2 - Pick Your Starter Kit:"

The Basic Starter Kit ($40) includes:
  • One 5 ml bottle of Stress Away essential oil blend
  • Two Lavender Sample Packets
  • Two Peppermint Sample Packets
  • Two Lemon Sample Packets
  • Two Peace & Calming Sample Packets
  • Two Thieves Sample Packets
  • Two 2-oz samples of NingXia Red Juice (this is a great-tasting low-glycemic juice that is high in nutrition and anti-oxidants)
  • Product Guide and sales and informational literature

The Basic Plus Starter Kit ($75) includes all of the Basic Starter Kit described above, and a Home Diffuser (priced at $75 by itself).  This is a great deal!

If you order the Premium Starter Kit ($150), you get the Basic Plus Starter Kit (described) above, and you ALSO get the Everyday Oils Kit, which includes 5 ml bottles of these oils:
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon
  • Frankincense
  • Thieves
  • Joy
  • Valor
  • Peace & Calming
  • Purification
  • PanAway

The Premium Starter Kit with Aroma Diffuser ($160) has all that is included with the Premium Starter Kit ($150), but it comes with the Aroma Diffuser, instead of the Home Diffuser, which has more features.

I LOVE this kit.  I wouldn't be caught without the 10 Essential oils that come with it, because in our family, we literally use at least one of them every day! I started out with the Preminum Kit and it is really worth it and I was so thankful that I did get the premium kit because the  40 dollar kit gives you just samples in little packets that can more likely spill and it won't truly give you the full essential oil experience as much as having those glass bottles that can be safely sealed so you can use them over and over again.
Under "Step 3 - Pick Your Essential Rewards Kit:", you have the option of choosing to sign up for Essential Rewards.

 Then fill in your Credit Card Details, Agree to the Terms and Conditions, and choose Next.

If you want to add any more products to your cart, choose Continue Shopping.  Otherwise, go ahead and finish the order.  Welcome to Young Living and it's world of wellness, purpose and abundance!

Retail Customer

To become a Retail Customer, choose that option under "Sign up as:"

Click on "I have been referred by a Young Living member.",  and then enter  under 2049367 both the Sponsor ID and the Enroller ID.

Fill in the Step 1 - Personal Information, and then click Next.  You then have the option of choosing products that you want to order.  Thank you for business.  Please contact me if you have any questions!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

mmmm... strawberry playdough!

Yesterday, was a stressful day in the house and I decided try to make some strawberry play dough from a recipe I found in pinterest.

I would like to thank for posting this picture you should check our her blog she had a lot of really good ideas for teaching toddlers and preschoolers!

I didn't have any vegetable oil due to we only cook with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. So I ended up using some olive oil(don't tell my husband that olive oil is expensive!)

I would also make note that homeschooling is very salty and this is one of the many reasons why.

We had lots of fun playing with the soft play dough that smelt like strawberries and my Brother even decided to sample it himself...he informed me it tasted like strawberries with salt.

What an awesome Mom Win for again thank you for sharing the recipe!

Update: My DD was sick on Sunday and I decided to use some of the strawberry play dough with a little bit of thieves essential oils to help her the strawberry and thieves smelt great! You can do the same with any play dough recipe.

If you are interested in buying essential oils Please click on the link below.

Really! Kids! Really?!

Monday, October 13, 2014

so...what's up with the name?

Now days it seems like anyone can blog... just trying to find that right name for a blogg can be a challenge. I even asked my husband if he had any idea's for a blogg name and he came up with Really! Kids! Really?! So the idea stuck.
Next hurdle came when the thought of what to post came to mind. Today was the perfect day to explain why would I name my blogg Really! Kids! Really?! Today started like any other day with my children bursting into my room around 6am telling me, it's morning! With that being said it turns into a debait. "go back to bed! It is way too early!" With that being said i usually try to sleep some more but i have been trying to wake up early... today i failed  went back to sleep, knowing my children were in bed themselfs. An hour later the girls got up again and my husband got up to feed them while i was feeding baby and pumping. Little did  i know he went to the bathroom and our children decided they was going to be making bread dogh. Needless to say he got out of the bathroom to see the kitchen floor covered in flour! The wood stove had flour on it. The counters had flour! They also trailed it into the livingroom and had some on the couch. With my new blogg name fresh in my mind and wondering what to post. It hit me! This is the perfect example of why my blogg is named Really! Kids! Really? !  is where I got this photo and it sums up what  my kitchen floor looked like. Too bad it was summited by an unknown author. whoever you are I truly truly feel your frustration and thank you for your courage on posting exactly what It looks like when kidos cover a floor with flour. we should go on a homeschool field trip sometime to watch me explain to my 2 yr old why we don't take our shoes off in a field full of cattle.
My kids are not perfect and I am not perfect. Parenting is all about learning and making sure the toilet paper roll is safe from being stuffed into the toilet. I hope this blogg will inspire you as much as it is going to inspire me, and we will have a chance to learn together on various topics even through the flour covered floor moments.
Really! Kids! Really? !